Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AS-CHLT-26-14


China 'Sanxian' (Jiangnan)


Wood, bone, metal, steel strings
Mid 20th century
Length: 37.7 in, width: 6 in, Depth: 3 in
Chordophones – Lutes

The sanxian (san-hsien, means “3 strings”) is a Han Chinese fretless 3-string plucked lute.  This smaller size Chinese sanxian, is commonly found in the Jiangnan area (central eastern China).  It is often used as an accompanying instrument in folk ensembles, as well as in “silk & bamboo” ensembles and orchestras of traditional Chinese instruments, though solo pieces and concertos also exist. The larger sanxian (@ 10 inches longer) is usually found in north China, where it is the principal instrument used to accompany dagushu narrative songs.

This sanxian has a long fretless neck that passes through the rounded, almost square framed resonator box/hoop and extends into a small tail stud.  The resonator body/hoop is covered with python skin stretched over the front and back sides. The three strings pass over a small bridge located on the snakeskin sound board and attach at the bottom to the tail stud.  The pegbox is open in the front and has a slight curve to the back. The 3 long grooved pegs are cone shaped with strips of different woods at the ends. The sanxian is played with a plectrum.

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