
Yemen, officially the Republic of Yemen, is a country in Western Asia, on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula. It is the second-largest Arab sovereign state in the peninsula. Yemen’s constitutionally stated capital is the city of Sanaa, but the city has been under Houthi rebel control since February 2015 as well as Aden, which is also controlled by the Southern Transitional Council since 2018. Its executive administration resides in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 

Yemeni ethnic groups are predominantly Arabs, followed by Afro-Arabs, South Asians and Europeans.  When the former states of North and South Yemen were established, most resident minority groups departed. Yemen is a largely tribal society.  In the northern, mountainous parts of the country, there are 400 Zaidi tribes and there are  hereditary caste groups in urban areas such as Al-Akhdam. There are also Yemenis of Persian origin.

In this collection the Middle East and North Africa will include the countries across the Nile into Asia, which are Yemen, Syria, Iraq and Iran.

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