Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2AS-AELV-08
Lip Vibrated
India ‘Nagphani’ (Horn)
Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, and Gujarat, India
Early – Mid 20th century
Length mouthpiece to bell: 21 in, Height: 17 in, Bell/base length: 12.5 in, Tube diameter: 1 in, Bell diameter: 3.75 in
Aerophones – Wind Instruments Proper – Lip Vibrated
The nagphani is a traditional instrument found in the states of Uttarakhand, Rajasthan and Gujarat, India. It is a brass horn/trumpet that is stylized as a serpent, with four tight coils. The tail serves as the mouthpiece, where the player buzzes their lips. The serpent-shaped head serves as the bell and has a forked tongue extending out of the bell. The movement of this metal tongue and embouchure (buzzing lips) adjustments, both support a variety of pitches. The nagphani is used by “sadhus” (holy men) during ritual ceremonies, story tellers and street performers.