Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: LA-AEBH-02
Edge-blown Flutes
Peru ‘Shaman Bone Flute’
Cusco Region
Llama bone
19th-Early 20th century
Length: 11 inches
Aerophones – Wind Instruments Proper – Edge-blown Flutes
Llama bone flutes are use during shamanic ceremonies and are known as “pago a la Pachamama” (translates to: payment to mother earth). During the ceremony the shaman believes by playing the llama bone flute the sounds he creates will invoke the souls of their ancestors to come back and be part of the ceremony.
This is a ceremonial end-blown flute with a ‘V’ shaped notch at the top of the instrument. It has four finger holes and is carved by artisans in the mountains of Cusco, Peru. Geometric designs with the face of a shaman who is shown kneeling is carved on the front side with the finger holes. At the opposite end is the carving of a puma. In this region of Peru, their cosmology includes a strong emphasis on three worlds in which animal totems are represented: Hanaqpacka (upper world – condor), Kaypacha (middle world – puma), and Ukhupacha (lower or inner world – anaconda).