Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2CL-AELV-49
Post Horn
‘Furst-Pless’ Post Horn
East Germany
Furst Pless
Brass, nickel silver, leather
ca. 1915
Bell rim: 4.5 in
Wind Instruments – Brasswinds – Post Horns/Coach Horns
Inscription on metal plate: ‘Furst – Pless’
This horn with three coils is called the “Prince Pless” post horn, named after the Prussian Prince H. von Pless, who used it as a hunting horn. The bell is reinforced with a metal (nickel silver) garland about 1.2 inches in width. It is known for its distinctive green leather strap wrapped around the coils and is still manufactured today. It is in the key of B flat and is played with the bell up. It has an additional leather strap and original MPC with engraving: MEISTER / HABLOWETZ. Due to aging the leather banding has turned to a rather dark green. These post horns were used to signal the arrival of horse drawn coaches and postal couriers in the 19th century and in the United States were used as a signal device for the early days of the stagecoach.
Resource: https://www.tapsbugler.com/history-of-the-bugle/2/