Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: CL-AERV-70
C. Mahillon 'Simple System' Clarinet in Bb
Brussels, Belgium
Victor Charles Mahillon
Grenadilla, nickel-silver
ca. late 19th century
Length: 25.5 in
Wind Instruments – Woodwind Instruments – Single Reed
Stamped: (star) / MEDALLEDOR/ PARIS 1878. / C. MAHILLON / BRUXELLES / (crest with armor & crown-well worn)
The simple system clarinet in Bb was made by Victor Charles Mahillon (1841-1924) of Belgium. Mahillon was an outstanding writer on acoustics and musical instrument and was the honorary and first custodian of the museum of the Brussels Conservatoire. Especially known are his brass instruments. This clarinet is made of grenadilla / African blackwood / mpingo (Dalbergia melanoxylon) and the keys are made from unplated nickel (or German) silver