
The Chamba people are located between present day Nigeria and Cameroon and live just south of the Benue River.  The closest Chamba neighbors are the Mumuye, the Fulani and the Jukun and Kutep people. They are socially divided into small kingdoms, each headed by a king assisted by a council of elders whose powers are regulated by male and female secret societies. Germany was the original colonial power that annexed Chambaland, but when Germany lost the First World War, this territory in Africa was divided by the League of Nations between British and France.

The Chamba people practice their traditional ancestral spirit religion. They use a type of mask that symbolizes a bush spirit that is worn during funerals, circumcisions, and inauguration ceremonies.  Chamba figures are rare and their function is uncertain.

Source: Chamba People – Discover African Art: Discover African Art

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