Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AS-AEWF-05-14

Edge-blown Flutes

Bali ‘Suling' (Mythology)

Bali, Indonesia

Mid 20th century
Length: 13 inches
Aerophones – Wind Instruments Proper – Edge-blown Flutes

The suling flute comes from Indonesia, Malayasia, and the southern Philippines.  They are generally an end-blown bamboo flute with an opened bottom and a closed node at the top, where a small wedge is cut out at the back of the top and slightly down the tube.  A narrow rattan ring is fitted around the top of the tube to direct the air down into the flute through this opening.  For this reason, it is open referred to as a ‘ring flute.’  While most all sulings are made of bamboo, this one is made from wood with carvings of two traditional Balinese mythological creatures.  At the upper part, just above the six finger holes is a representation of Rangda, the enemy and demon queen, mother of all spirit guarders.  At the lower end, just below the finger holes, is a representation of Barong, a panther-like creature that is considered king of the spirits and leader of the hosts of good. 

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