Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MASK-19-14
Bambara 'Chi Wara' (Male)
Southern Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso and Senegal
Wood, metal, hair
Early-Mid 20th century
Length: Length: 72 inches
Other – Regalia – Headdress
A Bambara (Bamana) people of Mali Chi wara (also spelled Chiwara or Tyiwara) headdress. This headdress displays a roan antelope. The Roan antelope represents the spirit that taught humans the fundamentals of agriculture. Only two Chi wara headdresses are danced at the festival, a male and a female. This male headdress is worn with raffia by the selected highly honored farmers, who, at the time of planting and harvest, dance in imitation of leaping antelopes. This Chi wara displays metal sheets and incised low relief carving in geometric patterns is displayed throughout. The size of this Chi Wara is an indication that it was most likely made for the art market.