Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-IDPL-25-14
Bamboo 'Sanza'
Bamboo, wood
Early-Mid 20th Century
Height: 10 inches x Width: 5.25 inches x Depth: 2 inches
Idiophone – Lamellophones – Plucked
In pasts of Central Africa, this musical instrument is called a ‘sanza’ or ‘zanza.’ They most often consist of a sounding board on which parallel metal blades have been attached. The slats or tongues, of varying lengths, are sometimes made of bamboo as seen in this sanza with 18 bamboo tines (keys). Rather than a sound board, this sanza has three tubes (round stalks of hollowed bamboo) cut and joined to form a raft. Thin sticks have been inserted crosswise in the tubes to hold them together (can be seen from the back). This type of sanza is very rare today and easily broken. Sanzas that are constructed entirely of plant materials do not produce a loud sound. It shows usage and age, but due to age is too fragile to play.
According to conventional wisdom, the sanza appeared twice in Africa, once on the west coast about 3000 years ago (with bamboo or wooden tongues/slats) and a second time in the Zambezi Valley about 1300 years ago (with metal tongues/slats).