Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-AELV-36-14
Lip Vibrated
Bamum 'Messenger' Trumpet
Cameroon grasslands
Bronze. buffalo horn, rattan, fiber rope
ca. Early 20th Century
Length: 28.5 inches
Aerophone – Lip Vibrated – Horn
The messenger’s trumpet/horn is very important to a village. It signals important messages and announces ceremonies. It is made of a bull’s horn & topped with a ‘lost wax’ figure on the tip of the horn. The bronze figure is 12 inches long x 4 inches wide x 4 inches deep. This messenger is royally dressed with hat, necklace, skirt and ankle bracelets. He is holding a shield and small club in one hand and a horn in the other. In the center of the bull’s horn is a square cutout (back side of this picture) where you buzz your lips to produce the sound.