Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-IDST-075-14
Provence: Arthur Steinman Collection
Bells, Metal
Baule Divination Double Bell
Cote D’Ivoire
Wood, fiber, metal
Early 20th century
Height: 17 inches
Idiophone – Struck Directly – Metal Double Bells
This elaborate bell, sculpted with images of human faces, animals (mask-like ‘dje’ or steer head), and geometric designs, was used by a diviner (komien), who is a professional spirit medium that performs divination. After rigorous training that can take several years to complete, a komien is conditioned to enter a trance to the steady beating of a small iron bell. The komien usually enters the trance indoors before he or she proceeds to the public space where the consultation is to be held. During the session which may last several hours, the komien holds the bell & striker (lawle), striking the bell if the trance begins to wear off. While possessed, the komien speaks with the voices of various nature spirits. Cures prescribed by the komien are often remarkably effective in combating both physical and psychological ills. The bell shows scrapes and strong evidence of libation (offering to a deity) with crustation.
Provence: Arthur Steinman Collection (COA)