Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MBST-028-14
Resource: Vogel, S. M. “Baule: African Art, Western Eyes.” (New Haven and London,1997)
Single-headed Drums
Baule Drum (Motifs)
Cote d’Ivoire
Wood, hide, fiber rope and netting
Collected in the 1940’s
Height: 26 inches; Diameter: 9 inches
Membranophone – Struck (Directly) – Single Headed
An embellished drum from the Baule people of the Ivory Coast, with high reliefs depicting figures, heads, crocodiles, birds, symbols, and abstract patterns with precision and balanced asymmetry. Characteristic of the Baule drums are these traditional decorative motifs to be admired by the audience. The drummer would use his hands as the beater, creating varied tones by shaping or cupping his hands, rubbing, slapping or thumping the drum head with his fingers and/or palms.