Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-IDST-112-14
Gong Beaters
Baule Gong Beater (B) "Lawle"
Ivory Coast
ca. Mid-20th century
Length: 13 inches
Idiophone – Struck Directly – Gong Beater
Ivory Coast diviners called “Komien” use wooden mallets called “Lawle” (also known as “lawre waka” or “lawle”) when striking a flat, flanged iron gong/bell as they enter a trance/meditative state. The ringing of the gong/bell can last for hours. The handle of this mallet depicts a figural baboon or monkey with open mouth, bared teeth and hands raised in an offering gesture. Opposite the crescent-shaped striking portion of the mallet and carved on the sides are reptiles.