Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2NA-OTHR-102
Arapaho 'Ceremonial' Beaded Dance Cape
Great Plains / Arapaho
Hide, glass beads, cloth fiber
Height: 17.63 in; Width: 36.38 in
Other – Regalia
An Arapaho regalia represents not only the dancer’s personality but also their history, family, and culture. This ceremonial beaded hide and fringe shoulder cape or yoke garment is made from hide covered in heavy glass beads on both sides. A cotton floral cloth lines the interior. This shoulder cape could be worn slipped over a hide tunic or dress to transform the clothing into fancy wear. The beads used are slightly larger than glass seed beads and add substantial weight to this piece. A variety of colors were used in their clothing, but red, black, and white were the most used colors.
The Arapaho tribe is known for their unique and striking clothing and adornment. The use of animal hides and furs showcased their connection to nature, while the use of beads, as seen here, and feathers added beauty and symbolism to their clothing. For the Arapaho, their clothing and adornment serves to keep their culture alive and is passed down to future generations to preserve their identity. Thus, it is important to recognize the significance of their clothing and adornments and to respect these items as symbols of cultural heritage.
Resource: https://nativetribe.info/arapaho-clothing-traditional-adornment-in-native-american-culture/