Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2CL-AELV-38
Natural Horns
Alpine 'Büchel'-Switzerland
Pine, birch bark, twine, boxwood
Mid-19th century
Wind Instruments – Brasswinds – Natural Horns/Orchestral Horns
This büchel is an 1800s Switzerland wooden (pine) horn/trumpet related to the alphorn. It has a mellow and reverberant tone, but because it is shorter in length to the alphorn, it has a higher pitch and sounds somewhat brighter in tone. Most common in the construction of the büchel is the twice folded tubing, much like a bugle, but much larger. The büchel is constructed by carving blocks of wood in half, hollowing out the halves, gluing them together and then wrapping the resultant conical pipe in birch bark strips this is secured with twine. Rare to this büchel is that it retains its original mouthpiece.
The tradition of the büchel remains strong in Central Switzerland. Originally used as a herder’s horn, today is used in all types of music by groups of natural instrument enthusiasts and in experimental folk music.