Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: CL-AELV-012-14
Bugles / Keyed Bugles
Bugle: ‘Bersag horn’
Milan Italy, Europe
Maker: Orsi
ca. 1893 to Early 1900s
Height: 13.5 in; Bell diameter: 3.6 in
Wind Instruments – Brasswinds – Bugles / Keyed Bugles
The bersag horn, with original mouthpiece, is a conical bore bugle with one piston valve on which a diatonic scale may be played. It has a double loop and the Périnet valve is used to lower the pitch from B-flat to F. The valve spring is in the bottom and the main tuning slide is at the second bow. These one-valve bugles were particularly popular in World War I, used by the Italian troops.
Reference: National Music Museum (nmmusd.org)