Owner: HWMC
Catalogue #: AS-IDST-48-14
Slit Drums
China 'Muyu' (Foo Dogs)
Mid 20th century
Height: 5.5 in
Idiophones – Struck Idiophones – Slit Drums
This Han Chinese woodblock called muyu has two facing Foo Dogs serving as the handle at the apex. There is a slit across the bottom extending about halfway up the sides of the hallowed ovoid shaped resonator, making it a slit drum. These “dogs” are actually lions, but their resemblance to Chow dogs caused them to be dubbed “Foo Dogs” or “Fu Dogs.” The name may have come from the Chinese word “Fó” which refers to Buddha, or “Fu” which can mean “prosperity.” This small muyu is carried in one hand and with the mallet is struck to encourage a sense of watchfulness as it accompanies the chanting of monks and nuns.
Resource: “Muyu,” Alan R. Thrasher, “The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments,” 2nd Ed., Vol 3, Laurence Libin, Editor in Chief.