Owner: HWMC
Catalogue #: 2AS-CHZT-02-16
China 'Yangqin'
Wood, metal strings, mother-of-pearl
Mid 20th century
Length: 46.2 in. (near edge); 30.5 in. (far edge)
Width: 20.1 in. (near edge to far edge);
Depth of Resonator Box: 4.3 in.
Chordophones – Zithers
The yangqin or yang qin (pronounced young-ch’in) is affectionately called “butterfly harp” due to its unique shape. It is a hammered dulcimer with 144 strings stretched over a trapezoidal shape base. The yangqin is said to have been developed from a similar Indian instrument, the santur. It was first introduced into China during the Ming Dynasty (1600 A.D.). This hammered dulcimer instrument is also a very popular instrument in Taiwan. It rests on a stand and the the metal strings are struck with two slender bamboo rubber padded beaters called qinzhu.