Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MBST-054-14
Double-headed Drums
Chokwe Drum ('Ngoma') - Buffalo
Eastern Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia
Wood, hide, fiber rope
Mid 20th century
Length: 23 inches x Diameter 11 inches
Membranophone – Struck (Directly) – Double-headed
The Chokwe are well known for art objects produced to celebrate and validate the royal court. These objects include ornately carved stools and chairs used as thrones. This hand carved double-headed drum (ngoma) from a single log shows high relief carving of a buffalo head with a wide band of geometric design around the waisted drum. The Chokwe recognize Kalunga, the god of creation and supreme power, and a series of nature and ancestral spirits (mahamba). These spirits may belong to the individual, family, or the community. This symbolic village drum shows signs of tribal usage and aging.
The word ngoma means drum in many cultures across Africa.