Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-AEBH-47-14
Edge-blown Flutes (Blow-hole)
Chokwe Flute (C)
Eastern Angola – DRC – Zambia
20th century
Length: 6 inches
Aerophone – Edge-blown – Flute/Whistle
This Chockwe Whistle is styled in the tradition of a chief figure sculpture, related to the legendary story of the hunter-hero “Tschibinda Ikunda” (“Chibinda Ilunga”), from whom all Chokwa rulers descend. Chokwe chief figures are always portrayed with an elaborate ceremonial headdress. The Chokwe constitute the largest ethnic group in eastern Angola. They have also spread to the DRC (formerly Zaire) and Zambia. They are governed by a king, who distributes hunting grounds and cultivated areas; while the male “Mugonge” society and female “Ukule” societies regulate their social life.