Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2LA-MBST-08
Provenance: Robert Massaro Collection, Florida
Columbia ‘Cununo' Drum (A)
Wood, hide, fiber
Mid 20th century
Height: 22.25 in; Diameter: 8.5 in; Wedge lengths: 4.5 in
Membranophones – Struck Directly
The cununo is a traditional conical membranophone, from the Colombian Pacific coast. The name of cununo is possibly derived from the Quechua word “cunununum,” which is the onomatopoeia of thunder, a word that sounds similar to the noises it makes. It is built using the trunk of a tree called balso or “Guaguaripo,” and the membrane, made of deer or bovine (calf) leather is attached to an upper ring of vegetable fiber and tempered by means of oblique loops to a lower ring. The tuning of the cununo is done by using wedges between the conical frame and under the lower ring to increase tension of the drumhead. The drummer uses both hands in playing the cununo.
The cununo is an essential member of the marimba ensembles and is used in the dance of the Currulao. There are two varieties, the male cununo, which is @ 46 inches tall that sounds low and hoarse, and the female cununo seen here, which is @ 23 inches with a loud and clear sound.