Owner: HWMC
Catalog # 2CL-AELV-22
Cornets / Cornopeans
Courtois ‘Jules Levy Model’- Cornet in Eb
Paris, France
Antoine Courtois & Auguste Mille
Silver plated brass
ca 1889
Length: 12.5 in; Bell diameter: 4.7 in
Wind Instruments – Brasswinds – Cornets / Cornopeans
Engraving on bell: Levy’s Model / Medaille / LONDRES 1862 / Exposition Universelle / PARIS 1867 / Medaille D’ Honneur / EN ARGENT / ANTOINE COURTOIS & MILLE / MILLE Sr / FACTEUR DU CONSERVATOIRE NATIONAL / 88.rue Des Marais St. Martin / Paris / 1LR PRIX / GRANDE MEDAILLE D’OR / EXPOSITION DE MOSCOU 1872 / MEDAILLE D’OR PARIS 1878 & 1889 / J. HOWARD FOOTE / Sole U.S agent / New York and Chicago
Engraving on 2nd valve: MADE IN FRANCE
This is an E-flat (conical bore) shepherd’s crook cornet made of silver-plated brass with split (2) spit keys. It has elaborate engraving on the bell bearing the name of J. Howard Foote. John Howard Foote (1833-1896) was a musical instrument dealer with shops in New York City and Chicago and was the sole Courtois importer in the US in the 1880s and 1890s. This instrument was sold as a Courtois ‘Jules Levy’ model cornet. In 1875 Jules Levy, known as the world’s, most famous cornet soloist, moved to New York City, where he was hired onto the Gilmore Band.
Reference: https://www.robbstewart.com/boston-alto-horn-1-3: