Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2AF-MASK-17
Dan 'Gunye Ge' Headdress
Cote d’Ivoire and Liberia
Wood, metal, fiber, polychrome, raffia
Mid 20th century
Length: 16.25 in; Width: 5.75 in; Depth: 3.75 in
Other – Regalia – Headdress
In Dan/Mano society, dangerous forest spirits are translated into the forms of human face masks. Among these is the gunye ge, whose headdress is worn by a champion foot racer. Seen here is the oval face with finely carved features, high forehead, raised eyebrows, strong, protruding mouth, and a red fiber mask. Attached are three bells and wide circular eye holes, permitting vision on the part of the wearer and characteristic of the racer headdress (gunye ge) and the fire headdress (zakpei ge), used by the northern Dan/Mano people. During the races held each week of the dry season in the northern savanna, a runner wearing such a headdress would chase an unmasked runner. If he managed to catch him by the neck and back, he kept his headdress. If not, the unmasked runner would put on his own headdress and, in turn, chase another competitor. At the end of the season, the runner with the most victories was proclaimed the champion.