Owner: HWMC

Catalog#: 2NA-MBST-23


Struck Membranophones

Haida 'Orca'- Drum

Northwest Coast
Haida Gwaii (formerly the Queen Charlotte Islands)

Hide, wood, pigment, fiber
ca. Mid 20th century 
Diameter: 30 in; Depth: 12 in
Membranophones – Struck Membranophones – Drum

Signed:  R. Peck

This rather large Haida drum features the majestic Orca (killer whale).  It is double-sided with four leather braided handles and is signed R. Peck.  The Orca painted on the front is a symbol of strength and is considered the Guardian of the Sea.  To the Haida people, it symbolizes family, romance, longevity, harmony, travel, community, and protection.  The Orca is a marine mammal and belongs to the sub-order of toothed whales (known as odontocetes) but is also the largest member of the dolphin family.  Native Americans often add images, such as this Orca to their drums that show their personal feelings and helps them connect to the instrument. 

The drum, shaped as a circle is viewed to represent balance, equality, wholeness and connection. For the indigenous people, they are more than a communication tool or musical instrument, they are tools for a lifelong connection to and relationship with all living things.

Resource: http://www.hills.ca/Native-symbols-21.html#Killer%20Whale%20(Orca)

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