Owner: HWMC

Catalog#: AF-AELV-38-14

Lip Vibrated

Edo "Oko" Bronze Trumpet

Benin and Edo State of Nigeria


ca. Late 19th – Early 20th century
Height: 11 inches
Aerophone – Lip Vibrated – Horn

An ancestral altar trumpet/horn called “oko” of the Edo people of Benin. Created by the lost-wax method. The blow-hole is on the concave side of the trumpet/horn. Queen mother is depicted at the bell. 

Traditional religion of the Benin is comprised of a supreme being and natural forces. They believe in the visible world and the spirit world. There are 14 cycles of reincarnations, each one beginning with an appearance before Osanobua.  Human sacrifice had been part of their religious practices for centuries.  Then, in the 15th century, the Portuguese brought Christianity to the Benin Empire. Oba’s and their chiefs were made Catholic priests. They were encouraged to dress in the traditional getup and continue to practice Catholicism to this day. 

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