Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MBST-104-14
Single-headed Drums
Egypt 'Mazhar' Tambourine (B)
Wood, metal, hide
Mid 20th century
Diameter (head): 10.5 in; Diameter (disc): 3.5 in; Height: 5.5 in;
Membranophone – Struck (Directly) – Single Headed
The Egyptian tambourine called mazhar, is a large, single-headed heavy frame drum with large brass zills (discs). It is used in a Zaffa (wedding procession) and designed for heavy pounding and shaking to sound loud. The musical procession also includes bendir drums, bagpipes, horns, belly dancers and men carrying flaming swords.
This Egyptian mazhar tambourine has 5 rows of 2 sets of brass double discs (20 total) and a goat skin head. The frame is blue painted wood with an area of the frame carved out for the hand to hold the mazhar.