Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MASK-32-14
Ejagham (Ekoi) Headdress
Cameroon and Nigeria
Ejagham (Ekoi) of Cross River Societies
Wood, leather, bone, kaolin paste, monkey skull, seashell, reeds
Early 20th century
Length: 34 in, Width: 22 in
Other – Regalia – Headdress
A carved headdress representing a human head with impressive Janus faces surmounted. The base is decorated with reeds, leather, a monkey skull, and seashell while the two faces showing teeth, with extensions above the head, are completely covered with leather. This headdress comes from the Ejagham or Ekoi people of Cross River societies of Cameroon and Nigeria.
Though generally ruled by a local elder, the Cross River societies depended to a great extent upon a number of men’s secret societies to regulate the community and to instruct and initiate men into various levels of their organization. The Ejagham identified as the Ekoi in the past have a men’s secret society called Ngbe, whose members are known for wearing large skin covered headdresses over regalia covering the body. Each Ngbe chapter would have a lodge within which a range of ritual equipment was kept including headdresses. Ngbe membership was originally identified with a warrior’s society on the Cameroon side of the Cross River region, however today Ngbe members are engaged in social control and political activities. The Ngbe members use ritual equipment to initiate new members and to celebrate their lives during funerals. Headdresses, such as this one, were worn on the top of the head attached to a basketry cap which cannot be seen here, due to the leather panels.
Source: Africa Direct