Owner: HWMC

Catalog#:  2AF-IDST-39

Provenance: Estate of Jack Faxon, Birmingham, MI. Michigan Senator and creator of the Michigan Council for the Arts. Underside has deaccession label from the Detroit Institute of Arts


Eket Dance Rattle

Eket (Ibibio)

Wood, brass, Kola nuts, fiber
Early 20th century
Length: 23 inches; Diameter 9 inches
Idiophone – Struck Indirectly – Shaken – Rattle

The Eket are a subgroup of the Ibibio, and their history is best described in that context.  Ibibio religion is based on paying tribute to the village ancestors. Failing to appease these ancestors will result in the wrath of the Ekpo society.  The most important ancestors are those who achieved high rank while living, usually the house heads. They may control the fortunes of the descendants and are free to afflict those who fail to make the proper offering, or those who fail to observe kinship norms. Ala is the earth deity and is appeased through Ogbom ceremony, which is believed to make children plentiful and to increase the harvest. It is performed in the middle of the year, every eighth day for eight weeks by each section of the village in turn.  Drumming and music are also important elements in Ekpo ceremonies. The wooden sculpture from this area is often very detailed, and artists are just as likely to capture beauty as they are the hideous forms of evil spirits.

This Eket Janus finial dance rattle/wand has metal hardware and coiled metal elements on the wooden handle.  The bottom element consists of clustered kola nut shells attached to a dome-shaped bell.

Source: https://africa.uima.uiowa.edu/peoples/show/Eket

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