Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MBST-062-14
Struck Membranophones
Ethiopia Bowl Drum
Wood, hide, pebbles/stones
Mid 20th century
Height: 5.5 inches; Diameter: 9.5 inches
Membranophone – Struck (Directly) – Single Headed
A small earthy leather hand drum from Ethiopia with leather stitching along the side of the stretched animal skin and a handle of twisted leather thongs. The leather on the face of the drum and bottom are well seasoned and shows good patina covering the wood bowl. The lacing that attaches the top and bottom is tied over a furry hide that surrounds the wooden bowl on the sides. The beat has a deep resonance complimented with another layer of sound created by the movement of pebbles/stones in its interior. This drum has signs of field use and is in excellent condition.