Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MBST-065-14
Single-headed Drums
Fang Ceremonial Drum
Gabon, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea Regions
Wood, snake skin, rattan
Early 20th century
Length: 18.875 in
Membranophone – Struck (Directly) – Single Headed
This drum comes from the Fang people of Gabon where it was used in the byeri cult. The initiation of new members is accompanied by several days of music and dancing, as well as ingestion of hallucinogenic plants such as alan, and increasingly, eboga. This drums were played by initiates. It has a python-skin drum-head. The python was seen as a protective spirit which encircled the community and defended it from witchcraft, and the use of its skin in the drum had apotropaic properties. This drum is old and well-used. Figures have been incised around the top; these include animals and Christian symbols, indicating the syncretic nature of the cult. This Fang drum, which is waisted, is open at the bottom and has four lugs to attach a rope and a characteristic Fang byeri figure on one side. The designs carved on the figure and elsewhere also relate to the byeri cult. The drum is playable and resonant.