Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-CHHP-20-14
Fang 'ngombi' Harp (B)
Southern Gabon, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea Regions
Wood, animal skin, metal, string
Mid 1900’s
Height: 50cm (19.6 inches); Width: 27cm (10.6 inches)
Chordophone – Harp
This five-string harp called ‘ngombi’ is one of the most sacred objects used by members of Bwiti, a 20th-century religious organization that combines local ritual practices with Western Christianity. It comes from the Fang people and depicts four heads with sheet metal eyes. The harp symbolizes the body and voice of Nyingwan Mbege, or Sister of God, and communicates between the living and the dead. It is hand carved from one piece of wood and the resonating body is covered with leather. The Fang inhabit the hot, humid, equatorial rain forests of Gabon. The majority of Fang are farmers, who continue to practice the slash and burn techniques for farming.