Owner: HWMC
Catalog # CL-AELV-122
Alto Horns / Flugelhorns / Mellophones
Phat Boy Flugelhorn ‘Batman’ by Andy Taylor
Great Britain
Taylor Trumpets
Brass, enamel / lacquer paint
August, 2011
Wind Instruments – Brasswinds – Alto Horns / Flugelhorns / Mellophones
Commissioned by Aurelia Hartenberger: Serial Number 117915 (August, 2011)
These stunning ‘one-of-a-kind’ jazz duo [Flugelhorn: Batman & Trumpet: Robin Pocket Rocket, also found in this collection] push the boundaries with jazz novelty. They were custom made by Andy Taylor of Taylor Trumpets in Great Britain. The biggest difference in the flugelhorn design is how the horn is held. Flugelhorns are usually held very high, which in turn makes the arms get tired quite quickly and you find yourself trying to look ‘over’ the top of the instrument. Taylor’s redesign of the lead pipe corrects this and allows the bell to face forward and not down to the floor.
With the Rocket Pocket you can produce ‘softs’ that are warm and mellow and ‘louds’ that are strong and ‘inyer-face’. What’s more is, it is a really good screamer horn. It has all the playing attributes of a really good regular Bb trumpet, only a lot smaller and more portable.