Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: CL-AEFL-028
Kohlert 'Universal Flute ’ in C
Glaslitz, Czech Republic
Metal, mother-of-pearl, boxwood
ca. 1900’s
Length: 26-27inches
Wind Instruments – Woodwind Instruments – Flutes
Labeled: Kohlert Universal
This ‘Kohlert Universal’ flute has two interchangeable headjoints: A regular transverse flute embouchure blow hole and; a recorder boxwood whistle-type mouthpiece, that when inserted makes the flute into a vertical held instrument. There are fourteen keys, each topped with mother-of-pearl. An engraved plate between the upper keys reads ‘Kohlert.’ I play this instrument for all my classes to demonstrate the difference in timbre when different materials are used to make the mouthpiece. When the boxwood recorder-type mouthpiece is used, the flute sounds like an alto recorder.
According to “The New Langwill Index,” there were 61 families of this name in Graslitz in 1936, seven were active as Woodwind Instrument makers and eight as Brass Instrument makers, all being descended from Leonhard Collert I (d. Glauchau / Saxony @ 1595), whose son Leonhard Collert II (b @ 1595; d Graslitz @ 1654) had by 1617 moved to Graslitz. No additional markings can be found to indicate specifically which Kohlert from Graslitz, made this flute.
Resource: “The New Langwill Index, A Dictionary of Musical Wind-Instrument Makers and Inventors,’ Ed. William Waterhouse, 1993; Tony Bingham; pp. 212-213.