Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: CL-AEFR-02-14
Free Reeds
Charles Weiss 'Pipeolion’ Harmonica
Trossingen, Germany
Ch. Weiss
Metal, wood
ca. 1908
Length: 8.5 inches
Wind Instruments – Free Reeds
This free reed harmonica was made and patented by Christian Weiss in Trossingen, Germany, in 1907 (US Patent 870207-orginally with 8 trumpets). Unlike most harmonicas such as the Hohner ‘Trumpet Call” (also found in this collection), there is no comb or reedplates in any conventional sense. Instead the Pipeolion has 10 single holes and 10 separate trumpets, each containing 2 reeds (total 20 reeds), one blow reed and one draw reed.
According to the National Music Museum, these Pipeolion harmonicas were made for only four or five years and were never copied. Printed in gold on the instrument is ” Pipeolion / Trade Mark / Full Organ Tone Patent Applied For Made By Ch. Weiss Germany. On the back is a bar of Music of “Home Sweet Home.” Framed with this Pipeolion is the original box.
Advertisement reads:
–The PIPEOLION is eight inches long and half inch thick and can be carried in pocket conveniently.
–The reeds in this instrument are fastened on specially constructed brass reed plates inside of the pipes, making it not only the easiest to blow, but the EASIEST of all reed instruments to play.
–The wood-block is finely polished in dark mahogany with gold inscription, with ten highly polished brass pipes and a finely nickel-plated mouthpiece.
–Each PIPEOLION is pack in a fine hinged box with instruction how to play, including four popular airs written in our special copy-right system, which is so easy that any child who can count can learn how to play the PIPEOLION with very little practice.
-The PIPEOLION is so constructed as to enable the performer, by blowing simple reeds, to initiate the Cornet; when blown in harmonic chords it give a Pipe Organ tone.
–The PIPEOLION is acknowledged to be the most decided novelty of its kind offered to the trade in the last quarter of a century, and with its merits, instruction, attractive appearance and popular price, is bound to make a phenomenal hit.
Frank Scribner, Mgr. CH. WEISS, 393 Broadway, NEW YORK
Resources: https://www.patmissin.com/patents/US870207.html; https://mtr.arcade-museum.com/MTR-1907-45-12/index.php?page_no=47