Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: CL-AEFR-05
Free Reeds
M. Hohner ‘Sextet Tremolo' Harmonica
Trossingen, Germany
M. Hohner
Metals, wood
ca. 1950s
Length: 10.75 in
Wind Instruments – Free Reeds
Inscription: One side of each harmonic is engraved: TREMOLO HARMONICA / M. HOHNER, on the opposite side: MADE IN GERMANY / M. HOHNER. There are also three trademarks: PARIS 1900 / LOGO / CHICAGO 1893.
This is a Hohner sextet model 52/240M Tremolo harmonica often referred to as the ‘paddle wheel’ harmonica (a tremolo harmonica is a type of diatonic harmonica that has two reeds per note). The ‘paddle wheel’ harmonica comprises a set of 6 different keyed tremolo harmonicas (Bb, F, C, G, D, A), each with a range of three octaves. It is held together like a paddlewheel by six-pointed star shaped spindle grips at the ends. This allows the player to rotate the instrument to switch keys, while holding it in both hands. The wood is brown maple with gold painted designs while the cover plates are made of stainless steel and the reed plates are made of brass. Each harmonica has 24 double holes in the metal with 48 reeds, and are stamped on the ends with their key.