Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-IDST-256-14
Slit Drums
Gambian Fulbe 'Horde'
Fulbe musicians
Calabash, metal, wood
Mid 20th century
Diameter: 14 inches
Idiophone – Struck Directly – Percussion Vessel
This is a type of percussion vessel (slit gong) in which a large hollowed-out half gourd/calabash serves as the instrument. It is called a horde and is played by Fulbe musicians from Gambia. The horde is held near the chest (the opening towards the chest) and the musician wearing metal rings on the four fingers of each hand, taps the rhythms on the outside of the gourd. Sometimes for entertainment, the horde musician performs acrobatic stunts as they play the instrument simultaneously. Nevertheless, in some societies, the horde is not held near the chest. Instead, the horde player sits on the ground and places the inverted gourd between their legs and strikes it either with their hands or sticks.
Source: Turn Up the Volume! A Celebration of African Music, Lynne Kostman, Managing Editor, 1999