Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: CL-CHLT-23-14


Parlor Guitar ('Husson et Duchène')


Wood, pearl, ivory, ebony
Mid 19th century
Total Length: 37 inches
Strings – Lutes – Guitars

This small classical parlor guitar – Paganini type, is labeled “Husson et Duchène, Rue Grenetat 15, Paris.”  This may possibly be incorrect, as the maker may be “Francois Rene LaCote, Paris” based on the bridge/saddle design, ornate design, dimensions, peghead and tuning machines . It has a fine spruce top and the back and sides are maple laminated to very close-grained spruce, which is visible on the inside. The bridge is made of serpentine-ebony. Particularly spectacular and noteworthy is the beautiful inlay and fingerboard with 11 scenes of Paris landscape carved in mother-of-pearl, ivory and ebony. This instrument is completely original except for bridge scrolls, which were added later.

A parlor guitar is a compact and narrow-waisted instrument. The name comes from the rooms in which the guitar was typically played in the 19th century.

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