Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MASK-20
Holoholo / Holo 'Helmet' Mask
Democratic Republic of Congo
Holoholo / Holo
Wood, raffia
Mid 20th century
Height: 17 inches
Other – Regalia
A helmet mask possibly from the Holoholo (Baholoholo or Holo) tribe, from Zaïre (DR Congo). The Holoholo use masks to promote success in hunting and to venerate ancestors. Please note that the masks that are worn differ considerably in form and style from one ethnic group to another, and even from one region to the next within a single ethnic group. As seen in this helmet mask, it has half-closed eyes and is surmounted on top by a frog. Incised facial scarification is also evident. This style of mask is known as Hemba among the Yaka and Suku people of the DR Congo, which are reportedly images of deceased elders, notably chiefs of the maternal lineage. A large grass ruff has been attached to the lower part of the mask with a high knot on top. These masks are carved from a single, cylindrical piece of wood. While this type of painted helmet mask served religious and ceremonial purposes at an earlier date, today this unpainted mask may have been used primarily for entertainment and masquerades. Signs of usage and wear inside this helmet mask.