Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: OC-MBST-15-14
Struck Membranophones
'Humboldt Bay' Drum
Humboldt Bay Drum (Yos Sudarso Bay)
Melanesia – New Guinea
Wood, rattan, skin, paint pigment
Collected in Mid 1900s
Height: 18.5 in
Membranophones – Directly Struck
This drum is from the Yos Sudarso Bay (until 1968 known as Humboldt Bay), a small bay on the north coast of New Guinea, about 50 kilometers west of the border between Indonesia’s province of Papua and the country of Papua New Guinea. The handle is carved in the shape of a bird. The body of the drum is decorated with carved geometric motifs. The reptile skin tympanum is in good condition and is typically held in place by a tightly fitting rattan band. Drums provide rhythmic accompaniment for the dances and songs performed during initiation and are said to represent the voices of the spirit world.
Reference: https://drummuseum.com/New-Guinea/wakde-island-drum-new-guinea.html