Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2AS-AERV-01
Japan ‘Hichiriki’
Bamboo, reed, string fiber
Late 20th century
Length: 7.5 in, Diameter: 0.75 in
Aerophones – Wind Instruments Proper – Reedpipes
The hichiriki (hiji-riki) is a Japanese double reed cylindrical pipe oboe. It is used as one of the two main melodic instruments in Japanese gagaku music (court music), the other being the ryuteki flute. The hichiriki is made of bamboo and is wrapped with string. The interior is covered with a bed of red lacquer to help prevent cracking. It has seven finger-holes on the front and two thumb-holes at the back. The bridle suspended at the top of the pipe encircling the reeds is adjusted when the hichiriki is played. Its function is to adjust the timbre and volume. The hichiriki is also used in the Japanese court music with vocal genres.