Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2AS-IDST-71
Japan ‘Hyōshigi’ (Clappers)
Wood, rope
20th century
Length: 11 inches: Width: 1.75″; Depth 1.25″ (Each clapper)
Idiophones – Struck Idiophones – Clappers
The hyōshigi is a struck idiophone used in the traditional Japanese Kabuki theater and the traditional puppet theatre known as Bunraku. It consists of two pieces of hardwood (or bamboo) connected by a thin ornamental rope. When played, these clappers are struck together or on the floor to create a cracking sound. Special patterns are sounded to help attract the attention of the audience, co-ordinate cues, and give stage directions. They are also often used to signal the starting or ending of different segments of festivals, especially in the directing of the mikoshi, a sacred portable shrine used to transport a deity.