Owner: HWMC
Slit Drums
Japan 'Mokugyo' (Set)
Wood, paint, gilt gold, leather
Early – Mid 20th century
Height: 21 inches to 6 inches
Idiophones – Struck Idiophones – Slit Drums
A set of polychrome Japanese mokugyos or slit drums. They are hallowed inside and struck with a small knobbed beater. The mokugyos are used to accompany Taoist and Buddhist chants in the temple, and in the kabuki theater are used as geza (off-stage) music during temple and comic scenes. The handles of these mokugyos are carved as two stylized fish, facing each other, and holding in their mouth a ball, a symbol of the universe. The graduated sizes allow for pitch variations from high to low. The outside surface of each slit drum displays its own unique carved symbolic design and is painted red with black and/or gilt gold.