Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: 2AS-IDST-56
Japan ‘Shakubyoshii’ (Clappers)
Wood, rope
20th century
Length: 10.75 in; Width 2.5 in; Depth: 1 in & .5 in
Idiophones – Struck Idiophones – Clappers
Shakubyoshi is a struck idiophone played in gagaku (ancient Japanese court dance and music), This includes the music of Kuniburi-no-Utamai (ancient native style songs and dances) and Saibara (ancient vocal form of music). The shakubyoshi consists of two wooden plates, each held in separate hands with the end part of each plate touching as in a hinge. Then the flat surface of the left piece and the edge of the right piece are struck when played. There are two main functions of the shakubyoshi, one is to help determine the rhythm (keep a beat) and the other is to determine or clue specific points in a piece of music.