Owner: HWMC
Catalogue #: 2AS-AEFR-02
Free Reeds
Korea 'Saenghwang' (Mouth Organ)
Wood, silk, bamboo, bone, metal
Early 20th century
Height: 16.625 in; Width: 3.75 in
Aerophones – Free Aerophones – Free Reeds
This Korean saenghwang (saeng) consists of 17 bamboo pipes of varying length, with 16 of the pipes having a metal free reed, mounted vertically inside the circular wind chamber constructed of wood. It is known as a mouth organ and is similar to the Chinese sheng; however, the tuning of the pipe pitches is different. It is played by covering finger holes and blowing into the square opening mouthpiece that leads into the wind chest, where the hidden free reeds vibrate to produce the sound. The pipes sound on both inhaling and exhaling, and up to three are sounded simultaneously.