Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-AELV-12-14
Lip Vibrated
Kota Trumpet
Eastern side of Gabon & The Republic of Congo
Wood and sheet metal (possibly copper), kaolin paste
ca. Mid 20th century
Height: 22.5 inches
Aerophone – Lip Vibrated – Horn
The Kota (Akota, Bakota, Kuta), are located in the eastern part of Gabon and extend slightly into the Republic of Congo. They are actually a number of groups of people with common cultural traits. Ancestor worship is at the core of their culture. This horn/trumpet is symbolic of the ancestral cult named “bwete.” The” bwete” was called on in times of crisis or to intercede in such vital matters as fertility, success in hunting, and in commercial ventures. This Kota horn/trumpet is hand carved from one piece of wood, with artful groove decoration. The finial on top is a stylized copper-plated head.