Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-IDST-194-14
Provenance of this rattle is from the Arthur Steinman Collection . Description provided by Christa Ellison: http://www.ikengainc.com
Kuba Cluster Rattle
Democratic Republic of Congo
Wood, seeds
Early 20th Century
Length: 13.5 inches
Idiophone – Struck Indirectly – Shaken -Rattle
The Kuba are a cluster of tribes, each representing a different historic subgroup. The objects from the Kuba kingdom very in design, but not in type. Their objects depicts dense intricate interwoven geometric patterns and are covered with reddish pigment, Tuklua. They produce a vast array of objects for court and individual use. Provenance of this rattle is from the Arthur Steinman Collection through Ikenga, Inc.