Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-MBST-012-14
Single-headed Drums
Kuba Drum (Kwebol)
Democratic Republic of Congo
Wood, hide, cowrie shells, copper, glass beads, fabric
Early-Mid 20th century
Height: 36 inches; Diameter: 11 inches
Membranophone – Struck (Directly) – Single Headed
A goblet shaped drum called kwebol by the Kuba people. The Kuba Kingdom (also Kuba, Bakuba or Bushongo) is a 16th-century historical Central African state in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. This drum is rich in decoration with its colorful glass beads and cowries and fabulous copper sheeting, meaning this drum was used in very prestigious ceremonies involving chiefs and royalty. It shows field usage and age but remains in playing condition.