Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-CHHP-09-14
Source: Mitsogo – Art & Life in Africa – The University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art (uiowa.edu) – website of François Boulanger
Kuba Pluriarc
Southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Wood, Vegetable fiber, Cane, Leather
ca. Mid-20th century
Height: 56 cm
Chordophone – Harp
A beautify Kuba Pluriarc (multi-neck harp) with eight arching arms and strings. This Kuba Pluriarc comes from the Kuba area named Lakweemy . Was bought by Alan Chabenet around 1985 during a trip to Kinshasa in a local antique dealer shop.
The pluriarc consists of a resonance body whose rear part is traversed by a series of highly curved tension arcs. The upper surface forms the soundboard. Each arc has its own curvature. The ropes in vegetable fibers are coiled and fixed at the end of them and pass from there through small openings to the tray where they are held, inside the resonance body, against the tray, by a small stick. Each string therefore has a different inclination, and produces its own pitch of sound. The pluriarc therefore presents in an unfinished form, all the characteristics of the arched harp. The soundboard and the sound box of this pluriarc is engraved with decorative motifs similar to those found on the famous Kasai velvets (straight and curviline geometric designs, or “bwiin”).