Owner: HWMC
Catalog#: AF-CHHP-37-14
Source: http://www.uiowa.edu/~africart/toc/people.html
Lega Harp
Democratic Republic of Congo
Wood, Metal/Copper, Cowries, Paint, Fiber Strings
Height: 73 cm. (28,74 in.); Lenght/Depth: 36 cm. (14,17 in.); Width: 21 cm. (8,27 in.)
Chordophone – Harp – Plucked
Handcarved from brown patinated wood, in form of a figure with body and face painted colorful, the eyes are formed by cowries. The instrument is fully functional. Usage traces and drying cracks.
This Lega/Rega Harp comes from the Congolese Tribe found in the Kive Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Lega, also known as Rega, artwork is based upon the traditions and context of the Bwami society, a political organization. It supports a system that determines one’s status and power by movement through numerous hierarchical stages, each demanding high payment. The Lega people believe membership in the Bwani Society can protect one from evil doings of most witches. Those who reach the highest rank called “Kindi,” have the power to communicate with ancestors using powerful supernatural medicines and objects, such as this Lega harp.